Event Calendar

Events in March–May 2025

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Past Events…


Have you ever wondered about the past life of your home or other historic buildings in Sonoma County?  If so, this webinar (recording) is for you!  You will learn about the Sonoma County Library’s numerous online databasesoffering free access to digitized maps, newspapers and images, and discover how resources held by the History and Genealogy
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Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery Book: Fascinating Stories of over 5,500 Lives

Authors Sandy Frary and Ray Owen devoted more than 13 years and went to incredible lengths to unlock the stories of the more than 5,500 individuals buried in the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, which was established in 1854.  Their painstaking research techniques reveal many untold stories of Santa Rosa’s past. The Historical Society of Santa Rosa
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Hidden Valley: The Unknown Cemetery

In 1874, Sonoma County Supervisors purchased 100 acres in Santa Rosa to establish housing for indigent poor residents; relocate the county hospital; grow crops for sale and to feed hospital patients, jail prisoners, and site residents; and create a county cemetery.  This land housed those facilities on both sides of Chanate Road.  The cemetery, which
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A Moving Story: Homes on the Move and the St. Rose Preservation District

  Starting in 1903 and continuing through 1979, more than 20 historic homes and other structures were “saved” by being moved into the St. Rose neighborhood, just north of downtown Santa Rosa.  In this webinar, you will hear the story of how and why so many structures were moved into the neighborhood, which is now
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Stories of the Past Revealed: The Carrillo Adobe: One Building, Many Chapters

The Carrillo Adobe, the oldest (partially) standing building in the Santa Rosa Valley, has had many identities – identities that not only changed with the function of the structure, but with the perspectives of the people around it.  Hear about several chapters of the Carrillo Adobe’s rich past and how its fluctuating history has, perhaps,
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A Virtual Stroll through the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery with Bill Montgomery

The Historical Society of Santa Rosa hosts a Virtual Stroll through the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery with local historian and Volunteer Coordinator of the Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery Preservation Committee, Bill Montgomery. Learn about notable figures in Santa Rosa history such as Julio Carrillo, Col. James B Armstrong, Anabel Stuart M.D., Francis McGaughey Martin, Elizabeth
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Lost Stories of a Highway and a Neighborhood

The Historical Society of Santa Rosa hosts panelists Dr. Margaret (Margie) Purser, historical archaeologist, and Lynn Prime, Regional & Special Collections Librarian at Sonoma State University, as they present and discuss the Lost Stories of a Highway and a Neighborhood. This presentation includes the following and more: • Records, photographs, letters, and property descriptions –
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Secrets of Santa Rosa’s Cemeteries with Jeremy Nichols

The Historical Society of Santa Rosa is proud to present Secrets of Santa Rosa’s Cemeteries with local Historian & Cemeterian (cemetery expert), Jeremy Dwight Nichols. His presentation provides hidden information about 13 local cemeteries and dives deeper while answering viewer’s questions facilitated by emcee Leslie Graves. This event originally aired live on zoom on October
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HSSR General Membership Meeting

On February 3, 2020, Historical Society of Santa Rosa held its annual general membership meeting at the Central Santa Rosa Library, 211 E Street. Our guest speaker was Michael Newland, Director of Cultural Resources for Environmental Science Associates. His topic was “Land, People, Sea, and Sky: An Exploration of the Archeology of Sonoma County’s Pre-contact
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October 5, 2019 Archives Crawl

Each October, the National Archives celebrates “American Archives Month”.  That was the inspiration for the first ever “Sonoma County Archives Crawl” on October 5, 2019, an event designed to celebrate archives and encourage visitors to explore and engage with institutions that collect archival material.  The event was sponsored by Sonoma County Library. Open houses were
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