Monthly Archives: November 2015

HSSR Membership Meeting

The HSSR Membership Meeting started with a short summary of the year’s events and a look at plans for 2016. John Louder displayed various Santa Rosa collectibles and artifacts, John Burton brought part of his very extensive Grace Brothers Brewery collection, Denise and Joe Hill brought their collection of over 500 Santa Rosa postcards and Merle Avila brought his collection of Santa Rosa tokens dating to the 19th century and other SR items.  Attendees browsed and discussed the collections before and after the meeting.

World War II Vets Bob Trombetta and Al Maggini

World War II Vets Bob Trombetta and Al Maggini, two members of the “Greatest Generation”, discussed their wartime experiences and growing up in pre-war and post-war America. In addition to their wartime experiences, both men have had a tremendous effect on their communities and are true community leaders. Chris Smith from the Press Democrat led the discussion with questions and allowed for audience questions.